!~Daydream Bear~!
!~Daydream Bear~! 
Daydream Bear loves playing pretend. She shows how important imagination is for everyone. But with her funny little accidents, she also shows that it's important to pay attention, too. Her tummy symbol is a daydreamer's dream. It's a "spacey" heart~shaped planet surrounded by stars. Caring Mission: Shows people how important imagination is. Symbol: A heart~shaped planet orbited by stars. Personality: Imaginative, inspiring and funny. Character Quirk: She gets into funny little situations when she's not paying attention and can't figure out how she got there. Color: Periwinkle. Best Friend: Smart Heart Bear Relationship Challenge: She always gets into arguments with Bedtime Bear over whether you have to be awake to daydream. Motto: A daydream a day keeps the frowns away.